Thursday, January 29, 2009

Location of Malang City

Geographic Location

Located at an altitude between 440 - 667 dpl, and 112.06 East Longitude and 7.06 - 8.02 South Latitude, is surrounded with mountains:
Arjuno mountains in the north
Tengger mountains on the East
Gunung Kawi in the West
Mount Kelud in the South

Kadar AIR

Packed cool and dry, the rainfall average 1833 mm per year and air humidity average of 72%


The situation in the area of land Level II Regional Municipality of Malang, among others:
The southern high plains, including a wide, suitable for industrial
The north, including the fertile high plains, suitable for agriculture
The eastern part of the plateau with the circumstances under less fertile
The western plateau yangf is a very broad area of education a


Type of land in the area of Level II Regional Municipality of Malang have 4 types, including:
Alluvial gray with a blackish 6930267 Ha.
Mediterranean brown with broad 1,225,160 Ha.
Association Latosol reddish brown with a gray brown 1,942,160 Ha.
Association andosol brown and gray with a humus 1765.160 Ha
Soil structure in general is relatively good, but needs to get attention is the type of land use that has andosol sensitive nature of erosion. Andosol this type of soil found in the District lowokwaru with relative slope of about 15%.

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Sunday, January 04, 2009

Tours to Wendit Water Park

What is the place where I can tour The Wendit? Place this tour dah old, and formerly had forgotten because of the attractions that appear similar.

Places of Tourism Wendit now start berbenah themselves. Now his name is Wendit Water Park. Kalo dah lama ga us there, i definitely surprised with the new Wendit ini.Wisata Wendit is located in the ± 4km from the city of Malang, and the right of way Malang - Overlapping.

Now in Wendit, many of the Air Travel here. From tourism flow pond, water boom, to tour the boat.

Place also now looks far more knowledgeable and more beautiful. Oh yes, there is again a special Wendit in this, that is still a lot of primates down to the visitor, cuman sayang, fitting it to the author, in the primates is down, I said, afraid because rame banget. That fear is not because the author came lho yo .... May fear for fear of competing with the many visitors who kaleee .... hahhahahhaha ...

Ok deh, Come and buktikan own tour to Wendit this. Pasti deh can be refreshing to work exhausted. Why not enjoy the atmosphere nyantai, in Wendit do not try to time the length of the holidays ... Pardon deh .. If litat kolamnya, I lose dawet .. hhahaahhaha

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